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Exhausted Mother Humiliated By Viral Facebook Picture, Puts Bullies To Shame With The Real Story

Have you seen the viral photo below? It went viral on Facebook earlier this year with tens of thousands of shares.

The caption reads “Albert Einstein said, ‘I fear the day that technology will take on our humanity… the world will be populated by a generation of idiots.’”

The words are meant to humiliate the young mother pictured holding a cell phone while her infant daughter lays on a blanket at her feet.

The creator of the image was attempting to comment on the younger generation’s unhealthy obsession with gadgets, placing the importance of a back-lit screen over their own offspring.The only problem? That’s not what’s happening.

(image source; Molly Lensing)

The woman pictured in the viral photo is Molly Lensing, a pediatric nurse and mother of three. There are few people more aware of a child’s needs than Molly. Needless to say she was heartbroken when she learned about the photo, which was taken by a male stranger who posted it to Facebook without her permission in August, 2016.

Molly immediately became a victim of cyber bullying, harassment, and criticism at the hands of complete strangers with zero context. Bullies around the globe shamed Molly for playing with her phone instead of paying attention to her daughter. Now Molly is speaking out and its her bullies who should feel ashamed.

(image source; Molly Lensing)

“We had the unfortunate luck of being stuck in the middle of the Delta computer shutdown,” Molly said in an interview with Today Parents. Her family’s flight had been delayed, rebooked, and delayed again. The photo was taken after Molly and her infant had spent more than 20 hours in the airport.

Molly’s arms were exhausted, and her baby girl had spent most of the day in her arms or in a baby carrier. Knowing the infant needed some time free from swaddling, Molly laid out a blanket and let her little girl stretch her arms and legs. With her hands free, Molly took a moment to contact the rest of her concerned family, which requires the use of a cell phone. The stranger’s assumptions about Molly couldn’t have been further from the truth.

(image source; Molly Lensing)

Molly told Today Parents that she was worried her reputation and possibly her job could be at stake over the photo.

Fortunately she was met with nothing but support after revealing the truth behind the photo.Her story serves as a lesson to us all about judging others without context. In the “viral age” it is all too easy to make assumptions and cast judgement without the full story.

Consider Molly’s story the next time you share a viral image with just a few words in bold text beside it.Everyone be sure to Like and share this story if you know better than to judge a stranger. Please leave a comment on Facebook and let us know what you thought about Molly’s story.